ESN Alba Iulia is a small section, but a great team.  Although it is only a few years old, ESN Alba has gone through many challenges, each time succeeding. We started our activity in 2015 and put our hearts and souls in everything we do. Our primary mission is to provide an unforgettable experience for international students, to be their friend and support in a foreign country. It's a goal for us, to create a pleasant environment for incoming students, to make them feel like they have a second home and a place where they can return everytime they want.Our team consists of young people who promote ESN values through our actions, events and ideas. We look forward to helping other students to integrate in our community and have a great time. We are #ESNalbaiulia!


Golovco Maria


Vladimir Sinitin

Adriana Cirmiz

Stelian Ticau

Sinic Ana

Mogut Nicolae


Sinitin Daniel